

A Small Glimpse of our Lovely and Cozy Jewellery Shop.
Customer testimonial

"We went to Glow to get my wedding, engagement and eternity rings cut off and resized...due to an arthritic knuckle (and weight gain over 33 years!) they were tight and uncomfortable. Pedro patiently took the time to remove the rings, work out how many sizes they needed to be increased by and shopped around to get the necessary gold - three different rings, three different carat golds! He explained what the process would entail and gave us a very reasonable quote for the work; he also pointed out cracks in the engagement ring which required fixing or could have led to loss of stones. We happily left the rings with Pedro expecting them back on 3rd March; in fact Pedro contacted us less than three days later and all the work was complete. The rings are all fixed and expanded and fit comfortably...they are also sparkling and shiny. Could not be happier with the job and would thoroughly recommend Glow. Also, Pedro is a really nice guy!!"
- StephanieT-124
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